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  • Writer's pictureKierston

The Importance of Perspective and Communication

For those of you who don't know me, I am the true definition of an extrovert, I always have been. I draw my energy from being with others, I love to talk, and I am most comfortable in groups. But as you know, right now we have been put under these social quarantine guidelines. And while I am so grateful for the ability to be safe during this time (my best friend is a nurse and is risking her own safety everyday), it has been hard.

In the beginning I was good, but as we moved through the second week I started to feel really down, isolated, and then got frustrated with myself for feeling that way (can you say slippery slope?) It wasn't until I started reaching out to my friends and family to actually talk about my feelings that I was able to tackle them and work through them. They told me that what I was feeling was normal, and we are all going through this together. That is when I became aware that I needed to change my perspective of this time. I was viewing it as solitary confinement, as something negative. But Joey, my parents, and friends reminded me that this time is actually the complete opposite. It is a time to grow as an individual, to get to know myself better, and be creative.

Growing up I remember the feeling of boredom and since the creation of technology and social media, we don't experience that feeling very much anymore. It has a negative connotation associated with it. But it is during times of boredom that we mentally reflect and visualize our future. By allowing myself to get comfortable with the boredom (there was a good bit of it lol), I have been able to better understand my feelings and what I need to make this time better for me, without relying on others to entertain me. I took those thoughts and feelings and talked about them with my friends and family, and that is what led me to this blog.

There is so much to be grateful for, there always is, you just have to see it. Without this idle time I would not have had to get comfortable with boredom, or had the conversations that led to this personal growth and changed my perspective. And even though I referenced technology and social media as a distraction earlier, without it I would not have had the opportunity to communicate with my loved ones. I know now that I need a creative and social outlet, that's who I am and I love that about me. That outlet is this blog and it has me so excited.

The one thing I want for you to take away from this is, in life there is always something to be grateful for, it is your gratitude and perspective in life that leads to a happy one.

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