Hi everyone! I feel like I have not posted on this is so long, it started as a hobby during quarantine and when I went back to work I completely forgot about it. I came back to the site to check something and was reminded of how much I actually enjoyed creating the site and all of the love I put into it. So, I decided to start back up with it!
Many exciting things have happened since I dropped off the face of the earth with this, 2 vacations, wedding season with new COVID regulations (I am a wedding planner), and I GOT ENGAGED. It was perfect, life has been so wonderful to me! Let me tell you the story...
We had just returned from Emerald Isle with my family after a week of vacation and had one week to be home before we left for Corolla with his family. Needless to say, my focus was at the office, playing catch up after a week off AND trying to prepare for another week off all at the same time. It was Tuesday and I actually had stayed about 20 minutes later at the office because a family friend was there and we got to talking. Then I hop into the car and call Joey to let him know that I was on my way home. He asked me if I wanted to go out to eat, and lazy me (completely unsuspecting) said "No, lets just get take out and snuggle at home." He agreed happily, but when I walked through the door he was dressed so nicely and had music playing. I was like, "Oh my gosh! You look so nice! Let me change and we can definitely go out to eat." But, he pulled me right from the doorway into the living room and made me slow dance with him. Honestly, at this point I was still completely unsuspecting because I am lucky enough to have a love where this type of random romance is not unheard of. But then, he begins to tell me how much I mean to him and all that mushy stuff (which I won't make you read, lol) and I am like "Wait, hold up, what is going on?" Next thing I know he says, "If you want to see how much you mean to me, look under that pillow", pointing to a throw pillow on our sofa. At this point I am SHOOK, so I was like "Shut Up!" and looked under the pillow and there sat the most BEAUTIFUL ring I could ever imagine! We both celebrated, I said yes (obviously) and he put that stunning emerald cut solitaire diamond on my finger!
The way he asked me was perfect. It was in our first home together where we both have experienced so much individual growth, but most of all growth together as a couple. It is the place that we both call home and where our love truly planted its roots to grow. I couldn't have imagined it any other way. But the best part of all is, I get to marry the person I love more than anything in this world!
Needless to say, I am so excited to be sharing our wedding planning journey with you all on here! So, stay tuned there! We also have some new and exciting ideas for the house that I will be sharing, and a very busy, fun-filled holiday season. I am so sorry I neglected this blog but if it isn't obvious I have too much going on not to share, so I promise I won't do it again!